About Us
About Us
The Clinic
2004 saw the opening of the quaint 2 room clinic of At Ease Remedial Therapies in the Cairns suburb of Edge Hill.
A contract to provide training for a long established Brisbane based campus led to bigger premises being needed. The move to Grafton St in the city occurred late 2007 enabling us to run a multi modality clinic during the day and to deliver training in Natural Therapies.
Now an expansion and move of the administration and clinic to 53 Anderson st Manunda. The clinic now offers qualified therapists for Remedial Massage, Naturopathy and Nutrition.

About Us
Training School
Studying Natural Therapies in Far North Queensland has never been easier. Previously students have had to study by distance education or move to a capital city to pursue their desire for a career in Natural Therapies.
At Ease Natural Therapies has been operating, for the past 16 years, with blended teaching in a range of modalities.
Students can study nationally recognized accredited courses from Certificates IV to Diploma courses, delivered by qualified lecturers in Massage, Aromatherapy, Kinesiology and Reflexology. At Ease Natural Therapies is well placed to service your needs as you decide to study natural therapies.
For most, the decision to follow a career in natural therapies has been made after years in the workforce following various occupations, and returning to study is not without its anxious moments. Courses are designed to make the study experience enjoyable, and support is available to assist students through the challenging times. A one day, Practical Study Skills Workshop, provides valuable information for persons who feel nervous about undertaking study, with no pressure.
Courses provide hands on, practical experience, along with the theoretical frameworks necessary for understanding how the human body works. Particular emphasis is placed on the use of non-invasive therapies and techniques that enhance the human recuperative potential towards self healing. Student massage, Reflexology and Aromatherapy clinics enable the student to practice what has been learned in a professional, clinical environment.
This provides invaluable experience, especially for those who may not have a background in health oriented fields. Quite often the decision to follow a natural therapies career is a sea change choice, made from the individual’s life experience, recognition that there are other options for primary healthcare, and a desire to help others.
Also, many health practitioners with backgrounds in nursing, physiotherapy, chiropractic and other mainstream areas are now opting to study natural therapies to use as an adjunct to their existing practice.
Years in The Business
Happy Students
Offered Courses
At Ease Natural Therapies is a great academy to study, the trainers were very supportive and flexible. I would like to say thank you for all your hard work in helping me grow and become a professional massage therapist. over the past year at school, I have made some friends that I hope to have for life I highly recommend At Ease Natural Therapies.
Our company values are simple. We pride ourselves on;
Excellence in customer service
Continual education, so that we are better able to serve your needs
Our Vision
To provide training that will have you job ready
Mission Statement
We are with you every step of the way